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Join date: Aug 21, 2020



I am a minister called to teach in the Body of Christ. Currently, I'm 31, and I've gone through much in my thirty-one years of being here. Honestly, I must say that God has blessed me with wisdom, knowledge, and understanding, given his call for me to write and author books. However, I don't consider myself as the smartest, although I am intelligent -- if that makes sense.

I am the CEO of Penmanship Publishing LLC. I know that I have fellowship with the Father, and I desire to fulfill why he has put his breath of life in me. I'm a deep thinker. I'm a man of Faith because I believe in God. Therefore, I have been called to scripturally lead and guide others toward him.

I read, and blog book reviews on my site as well. Much love. EB.

Elliot Brent

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